Arya Sasol Polymer Company

Arya Sasol’s biennial Sustainability Report was published according to the international framework and Register in GRI (Global Reporting Institute)

Arya Sasol’s biennial Sustainability Report was published according to the international framework and Register in GRI (Global Reporting Institute)

The Sustainable performance and social responsibility report of Arya Sasol Polymer Company within the two-year period of 2021-2022 based on the 17 sustainable development goals with the guidance of the sustainability executive committee and the participation of all sections was compiled and published in the form of a comprehensive booklet.

It was made available to the organizational interested parties so that all the customers, suppliers and all members who are related to ASPC, are informed about the performance in the field of sustainable development.

In order to move on the path of sustainable development, ASPC has determined the key and important issues and impacts of sustainability in its business as the basis for drawing its path.

The key and important issues of sustainability in ASPC were determined by relying on the comprehensive system of organizational planning and were categorized in the three main axes of sustainability based on the ESG framework, in the fields of economic, social and environmental sustainability.

For the first time, ASPC has been able to use the GRI:2018 reporting guideline to publish the 2020-2021 biennial report on sustainable performance and social responsibility (Sustainability Report) at a comprehensive level and managed to register its report in the organization's report bank – GRI website.

ASPC has successfully validated its sustainability report through a third-party certification body according to the AA1000AS (2008) standard.

It also has announced adherence to the field of sustainability management in the organization in a systematic manner.

ASPC takes steps with the aim of greater participation in the sustainable development of the organization and voluntarily provides its commitment and transparency to these principles through reporting and registration on the GRI website.